All-in-one Automation Platform: Projects, CRM, Marketing Automations, Team Management Tools & more

Modern design, innovative tools, AI assistants, for cross-functional teams to boost your productivity at a reasonable price.

Building unique customer experiences via personalized communication

Aggregating data about your customers from various data points

Lead generation and conversion stimulation, outbound campaigns

Synchronizing sales and marketing teams

Cross-channel synced (re)marketing campaigns, heat-up campaigns

Building automated customer (self-)service, onboarding, support

With Aktok CRM and Marketing Automations,
Create Unique Client Journeys

Collect Data about your clients

Advanced automations to create fascinating personalized CX

Synchronize your communication via various channels like emails, SMS, ads platforms

Audience management and automations

Tools for outbound multichannel campaigns

Unlock the key to winning their hearts.

CRM to keep your records

Integrated communication tools 

Build lasting relationships that boost returns on investment.

Live chat is free!

AI ⚡chatbot 

Be available to your clients 24/7

Automations for everyone
Connect all your team

It's a boot to your productivity!

Unlock the potential for your growth!

Let Aktok help you get under control the  data chaos 

Improve team integration & Grow your business with

Learn More
about Aktok Software

Advance your businesswith AI⚡automations

Make use of smart chatbots & assistants.
Build personalized experiences.
Enjoy the ease and speed of content generation.
Boost your decision making with analytics, recommendation & data processing assistants.

FREE Live Chat
for your website

For Growth Hack

With the price of a cup of coffee $2 per day!

Get a demo

Navigate your customers
straight to deals

Automation Lead Generation Pipeline with heat-up, ad, and remarketing campaigns
Zero waste of your client's time with Aktok chatbots and automation
Security and autonomy of your data
Workflows can be customized specifically for your business
Get a demo

collaboration tools

For teams of up to 50 members
and start-ups
Time, information, and responsibility won't disappear - with one workspace for your team

Project and task managers

Flexible Permissions and notifications management

Time reports and other management tools

Implementation services, Customizations,
Feature requests

We provide expert guidance through consulting, platform implementation, integration, and customization to fit your specific needs.

Schedule a call

We offer turn-key solutions for unique situations

Building personalized and unique customer experiences

Cross channel remarketing/heat-up campaigns

Custom chatbot development and integrations

Lead generation and conversion improvement

Sales, marketing, support automation

Let's get started with a Free Demo

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